August 28, 2024

蜂 THE BEE /2024

 🐝 蜂 🐝 THE BEE 🐝

21 November ~ 1 December 2024 
at Black Box, Damansara Performing Arts Centre


平台計劃 & W Productions 聯合呈獻 
Pentas Project Theatre Production & W Productions co-present's

 🔪華語演出,附英文字幕 🔪


Based on the original story Mushiriai (Plucking At Each Other) by Yasutaka Tsutsui
 🔪In mandarin with English surtitles 🔪

“He’s just an ordinary guy with a simple life, until a prisoner shatters his peaceful life by kidnapping his wife and child……”







繼上一部聯合打造的劇作《同棲時間》榮獲第19屆戲炬獎年度最佳戲劇後,「平台計劃」及「W Productions」再度攜手,集結獲獎無數並享譽國際的製作與設計團隊。2024年末鉅作《蜂》,將帶給觀眾瘋癲、幽默,又荒誕的驚喜。


After the USA 9/11 terrorist attacks, playwright Hideki Noda was inspired to delve into the details of everyday life and reveal the violence lurking within our daily routines:

A kidnapping case shatters the peace, exposing the omnipresent threat of violence. When pushed to the brink, even the most ordinary person can unleash their darkest side. This play, filled with humor, madness, absurdity, and bloodshed, serves as a constant reminder:

Every villain might once have been a victim, and every victim could become the next villain.

‘The Bee’ first premiered in London in 2006 and has since toured the world, with performances in the United States, France, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. The play has been translated and performed in various languages including English, Japanese, and Chinese. For the very first time, the Chinese production of ‘The Bee’ is coming to Malaysia, produced by William Yap and directed by Loh Kok Man, who returns to Hideki Noda’s work after his success with ‘Red Demon.’

This time, ‘Pentas Project’ and ‘W Productions’ have once again joined forces, bringing together an internationally acclaimed, award-winning production and design team, following their successful collaboration on ‘The Brotherhood,’ which earned the title of Best Drama at the 19th ADA Drama Awards. The grand production of ‘The Bee’ at the end of 2024 promises to deliver a whirlwind of craziness, humor, and absurdity that will leave audiences spellbound.


編劇/ 野田秀樹(日本)、Colin Teevan (愛爾蘭) 🔪 Written by: Hideki Noda (Japan), Colin Teevan (Ireland)
劇本翻譯/吳政翰 (台灣)  🔪 Script Translation: Cheng-Han Wu (Taiwan)
製作人/ 葉偉良  🔪 Producer: William Yap
導演/ 羅國文  🔪 Director: Loh Kok Man
演員/ 曾宏輝、蔡德耀、鄧繡金、林思傑  🔪 Cast:  Fai Chen, Yeo Lyle, Thian Siew Kim, SJay

音樂與音效/ 李河健  🔪 Music & Sound: Kent Lee
影像設計/  Fairuz Sulaiman  🔪  Multimedia: Fairuz Sulaiman
佈景與道具/  蔡紫瀅  🔪 Set & Props: Chua Zi Ying
服裝設計/ 呂素君  🔪 Costume: Beatrice Looi
燈光設計/ 羅國文  🔪 Lighting: Loh Kok Man

製作助理/  何慧婷、蘇中宏  🔪 Assistant Producer: Hoe Hui Ting, Soh Chong Hong
製作經理/ 黃永益  🔪 Production Manager: John Wong
宣傳/ 葉偉良、 楊杏瑤  🔪 Publicity: William Yap, Mia Yong
平面設計/ Tree Egg PLT  🔪 Graphic Design: Tree Egg PLT
中文文案/ 黃子揚  🔪 Chinese Copywriting: Goaty Wong
英文翻譯/ 王河源  🔪 English Translator: Zach Wang
拍攝與攝影/ 周建國  🔪 Photography & Videography: Kent Chu @ 35 Stripes
舞台監督/黃奕寧  🔪 Stage Manager: Ng Yuh Ning


日期和時間 Date and Time/
21 November 2024 (thu)  ⏰ 8:30pm
22 November 2024 (fri)   ⏰ 8:30pm
23 November 2024 (sat)   ⏰ 3:00pm, 8:30pm
24 November 2024 (sun)  ⏰ 3:00pm, 8:30pm

28 November 2024 (thu)  ⏰ 8:30pm
29 November 2024 (fri)   ⏰ 8:30pm
30 November 2024 (sat)   ⏰ 3:00pm, 8:30pm
01 December 2024 (sun)  ⏰ 3:00pm, 8:30pm

票價 Ticket Price
RM 68 早蜂票 (限量優惠至 20/9/2024) Limited Early Bee ends on 29/09/2024
RM 88 標準票 Standard Ticket
RM 118 藝文贊助票 Patron of the Arts (VIP)

Pentas Project Instagram/ @pentas_project / Facebook Page 
W Production Instagram/ @w_productionsmy

Supported by    

Performance license[s] of the play were arranged through Noda Map, Tokyo (

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