Yes!! A rare opportunity to see two versions of the same play! Catch the Pentas Project version directed by Loh Kok Man and the Five Arts Centre version directed by Chee Sek Thim
是的!一個難得的機會,同一個藝術節觀賞兩齣不一樣的演出版本!別錯過平台計劃羅國文執導的版本和 Five Arts Centre, Chee Sek Thim 所執導的版本。
A Modern Woman Called Ang Tau Mui
Adapted from Ang Tau Mui by Leow Puay Tin
17th, 18th, 19th March 2011 @ 8:30pm
20th March 2011 @ 3:00pm & 8:30pm
20th March 2011 @ 3:00pm & 8:30pm
at Annexe Gallery 3, Central Market
Directed by : Loh Kok Man 羅國文
Cast : Pearlly Chua 蔡寶珠
Video Artist : Au Sow Yee 區琇詒
Music & Sound : Terence Chong 張俊開
free admission
索票處 Get your ticket at:
contacts : 012-266.1579 / 012-607.1318 /
曾以《黑眼圈》入圍金馬獎的資深演員蔡寶珠,是個人特色搶眼的劇場老將, 當劇場資深老將碰上青壯派劇場導演羅國文,以及廖培珍的經典劇作《紅豆 妹》,新穎的黃金組合,打造2011年最值得期待的劇場深度佳作。Cast : Pearlly Chua 蔡寶珠
Video Artist : Au Sow Yee 區琇詒
Music & Sound : Terence Chong 張俊開
free admission
索票處 Get your ticket at:
contacts : 012-266.1579 / 012-607.1318 /
蔡寶珠在劇場的經典角色,最為大家熟悉的就是《翡翠嶺上的愛美麗》,演了 近二十年的愛美麗,2011年,蔡寶珠終於要挑戰新的單人劇、新的經典女性角 色--《一個名叫紅豆妹的摩登師奶》。
劇中的紅豆妹是個林黛迷,嚮往成為演員,不斷給林黛寫信。林黛自殺後,紅 豆妹依然故我,信件從不間斷。及後紅豆妹學了戲曲,偶爾投入戲中,以為可 以跟林黛對戲。一切只因紅豆妹太渴望逃脫,她走在都市裡,戲一上身,她把 現實幻化成霓虹光彩的夢幻舞臺。紅豆妹是一個多面而立體的角色,也挑戰演 員的多語能力,蔡寶珠用歲月斂放自如的好演技,把紅豆妹對表演的嚮往和渴 望逃離的情感糾葛,詮釋得精準而豐厚。
《一個名叫紅豆妹的摩登師奶》改編自廖培珍的經典劇作《紅豆妹》,2007年 5月,向來勇於挑戰劇場新觀念的平台計劃導演羅國文,以《Water Closet》為 名,首次改編此作品,頗受好評。2011年,配合KakiSeni 《婦女100》藝術節 活動,平台計劃再度搬演《紅豆妹》劇本,並融入更多的時代觀察和對話。
曾獲本土表演藝術最受矚目獎項──金馬崙藝術大獎最佳導演的羅國文,在劇中 創造了一個虛實交錯的夢幻空間,結合本土影像藝術家區琇詒的前衛多媒體影 像,以及新進音樂工作者張俊開的音樂,重現、解構亞洲一代影后林黛的電影 與時代曲,帶觀眾進入現代與經典夢幻異想空間。
Imagine a space where illusion and reality intertwined.
She starts the most imaginary journey in a most common space.
She walks on the border of dream and reality,
She is lonely.
She hears some tunes occasionally,
Bringing her back to the most wonderful days of her life.
She starts the most imaginary journey in a most common space.
She walks on the border of dream and reality,
She is lonely.
She hears some tunes occasionally,
Bringing her back to the most wonderful days of her life.
Ang Tau Mui is a fan of Lin Dai. She dreams of becoming an actress and writes to her frequently. After Lin Dai committed suicide, Ang Tau Mui continues to write letters. She learns to act and occasionally indulged herself in the movie, imagining herself acting together with Lin Dai. She is eager to run away from reality, imagining herself becoming another person through acting, and thinks the stinking reality will soon transfer into a dream stage.
The director gets his inspiration from the letters Ang Tau Mui wrote to Lin Dai. Hence he invited video artist Au Sow Yee to create the tour de force of Ang Tau Mui’s most humble dream of the world of Lin Dai on the movie screen.