January 2, 2020

多重戀愛人生遊戲 The Game of Polyamory Life (2020)

平台計劃 呈現 Pentas Project Theatre Production present’s
平台讀劇 一號作品 Pentas Reading 1  ( In mandarin without surtitles )


劇作家 Playwright : 黃理子 Onoma Riko 
導演 Director : 羅國文 Loh Kok Man
演員 Casts : 巫紹棋 Moo Siew Keh、蔡德耀 Yeo Lyle、余秋坪 Tammy Yee、詹莉寧 Valerie Chian、甯振洋 Quito Neng
音樂設計/編曲/特別演出嘉賓 Music Design/Composer/Special Performing Guest Artist:陳子超 Keith Tan

劇本翻譯 Translated by : 山崎理惠子 E-Run、林孟寰 Lin Meng-huan  
策展人Curators : 羅國文 Loh Kok Man、黃永益 John Wong  
製作人Producer : 林偉彬 Pam Lim 
Staged Reading “讀劇表演"—— 以最簡單的方式,帶你品味戲劇。
讓演員用聲音表情釋放你的想像, 帶領大家探索劇場的另一個維度。
Staged Reading - A taste of theatre, in its simplest way.
No elaborate costumes, no stage set.
Let the actors use their voices to free your imagination and bring you to another dimension of theatre. Spaces between the lines, on purpose, inviting your minds to freely roam within.
Play with us the games of polyamory life.
Come experience the free choice in this world of love. 

【 劇情簡介 Synopsis 】

高中女教師Angel是多角忠誠戀愛(polyamory)實踐者,她和兩個男人Moon、Tiger同居兩年。而從大學時代一直喜歡Angel 的同窗Alice,雖然對Angel的多角關係感到反感,但卻不知不覺中想要了解更多。另一頭,Angel的學生Gundam對她告白。一場對於同性異性男男女男女女,單戀相戀多戀師生戀,於是一場來自多重戀愛人生遊戲的憧憬與問題,⼀⼀浮現。

Angel is a high school female teacher who practises polyamory. She lives with two men, Moon and Tiger for two years. Alice, Angel’s school friend who has affections for Angel since college days, found out about Angel’s polyamory lifestyle and felt revulsion towards this type of relationship. Unawaringly, however, Alice developed a curiosity for wanting to understand it more. At the same time, Angle’s student, Gundam, confesses feelings for her. Ideals and questions about sexualities (guy-guy-girl-guy-girl-girl) and multi-relational family structures start to then emerge.

【 劇作家 Playwright 】 

黃理子 Onoma Riko ,畢業於東京女子大學哲學系。在海邊長大,愛哲學和短歌。曾任職於詩歌出版社,2014年,以描寫建築和女學生生活的作品《被解體的安東寧‧雷蒙建築舊體育館的故事》,入選「TheaterTRAM next generation vol.7。」。作品具有色彩豐富的臺詞,透過言語超越時空的自由。近年來,一邊思考著「劇作家在社會上能夠做到的事情」,同時發表和高中生一起創作的作品、民族志的劇場化等。2013年獲得王子小劇場「佐藤佐吉獎2013」最佳文本獎。
Onoma Riko is a philosophy graduate of the Humanities Department, Tokyo Woman's Christian University. She grew up by the seaside. Passionate about philosophy and tanku (“short poem”), she and theatre did not cross paths in university. After graduation, she worked in a poetry publisher before moving on to crafting literary works. Her 2014’s work, “”The Story of the Dismantled Anthony Raymond’s Building, the Old Stadium”, was compiled into “TheaterTRAM next generation vol.7”. The characteristic of her work is her colourful and vibrant lines of dialogue, which freely transcend time using language. In recent times, she has been pondering “what a script writer can do in society”, while sharing works and dramatised ethnography co-created with high school students. In 2013, she won the Prince Small Theatre’s Sakichi Sato Prize for Best Script. Her own theatre company “Orientation” has a vast experience of disseminating works. Among these works, “The Game of Polyamory Life” was a finalist for the 61st Kishida Prize for Drama. 

日期/時間 Date & Time:
13 February 2020 (Thursday)@ 8:30pm
14 February 2020 (Friday)@ 8:30pm
15 February 2020 (Saturday)@ 8:30pm
16 February 2020 (Sunday)@ 3:00pm
16 February 2020 (Sunday)@ 8:30pm

地點 Venue:
Yuespace ( C-2-3a, Plaza Damas 3, Sri Hartamas )

票價 Ticket:
RM38, RM60 (早鳥雙季套票 Twin seasons early bird ticket @ Until 24/1/2020)

訂購專線 Ticket Inquiry :
016-5188977 or pentasprojecttheatreproduction@gmail.com
網上訂票 Online Purchase  


#次季演出劇目《阿Q外傳》,⽇本劇作家宮本研 Ken Miyamoto 的作品,靈感來自魯迅經典短篇小說集《吶喊》,並以《阿Q正傳》為主軸,揭露人生之成敗,或可憎或可笑或可憐或可嘆,都是出自不曾絕望的期盼。(演出日期:514—17) 
# In our next season, we present "The Other Story of Ah-Q”, a work by the Japanese playwright, Ken Miyamoto. Inspired by Lu Xun's short story anthology "Call to Arms", and based on his "The True Story of Ah Q", the play reveals life's rises and falls, and what's in it to hate, to mock, to pity, to regret - all arising from expectations that never lose hope. ( Performance Date : 14~17 / 05 / 2020 )
15 February 2020 @ 3:00pm
( 座談會 Public Dialog)
劇本譯者/山崎理惠⼦E-Run(亞细亞之骨創辦人)「讀劇表演與空間的啟發」交流座談會 (入場免費)
Public Dialogue with Script Translator, Rieko Yamazaki (also known as E-Run, and the founder of Asian Rib): “Inspirations through Staged Readings and Space” (Free Admission)
中文文案 Chinese Copywriting : 李紅蓮 Lee Hoong Lian
英文文案翻譯 English Translation : Jason Ng
平面設計 Graphic Design : 藍氏君 Tsuji Lam
宣傳 Publicity : 譚小虹 Tammi Tam, 文競傑 Mun Jing Kit