October 30, 2009


SHOOT笑忘書 a work in progress 創作半成品

Performance Cancelled

October 9, 2009


Artom Bomb . Pentas Cross-Disciplinary Lecture Series VII

遷移中的聲色光影 Traveling Light
Experimental Film/Video and Performative Cinema of Au Sow Yee

區琇詒一直很神秘。一些人曾經看過她為劇場作的影像設計,卻從未看過她的個人作品以及背後啟動的機器,甚至不曉得這些影像背後創造者的名字。區琇詒覺得「沒有光就沒有電影」,而銀幕上的影像帶領觀眾進入一個幻象的世界,這一些,都得仰賴放映師的魔術能力。於是,她當過電影放映師,誓願成為製造詩意光影的魔術師。她的實驗電影不說故事,許多人或許不理解,或覺得這從來就是匪夷所思的事情,但從她看似抽象的影像當中,卻看到不斷遷移的魔術時光。 藝術核爆.平臺跨領域交流計劃(七)邀請您一起來感受區琇詒的魔術時光,以及一直讓她著迷的光學現象與活動影像悠遠的歷史。

Au Sow Yee is always “mysterious”. Some had seen her works for multimedia design in local theatre, but had never seen her personal works and the mechanics that triggered. Some do not even know the name of the person who created those visual images. Sow Yee believe that “there will be no film without light”. Images on screen lead audiences to a world of illusions and imaginations, and all these depends on the magical ability of the projectionist, to cast light over the remnants of life on the film strips. Therefore Sow Yee used to work as a projectionist, aiming to be a magician of light who create poetic moments. Her experimental film/video does not tell stories. Most people might not understand, or even think that this is something insane. But through her abstract images, we see some traveling magical moments. Artom Bomb . Pentas Cross-Disciplinary Lecture Series VII invites you to feel the magic hours of Au Sow Yee, and optical illusions and pre-history of moving images that attracts her for a long time.

Date & Time : 25th October 2009 @ 1:00pm
Venue : Old China Cafe

11, Jalan Balai Polis, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
联络:pentasproject@gmail.com / 012-266.1579/012-607.1318
樂捐入場 Entry by donation

區琇詒 Au Sow Yee 馬來西亞實驗電影創作者。文化大學影劇系、美國舊金山藝術學院藝術創作研究所畢。目前為馬來西亞新紀元學院戲劇與影像系講師、劇團平臺計劃企劃,以及另類藝術工作室SicKL成員。她致力於探索光與影像作為空間和時間裏的有機元素,以及以影像發掘現實場域的抽象特質。她的創作橫跨錄像、實驗電影以及劇場影像設計。2007年獲Krishen Jit Astro Fund,並曾在臺灣、韓國、日本、義大利、美國等地發表實驗電影以及表演性電影作品。Experimental filmmaker and video artist based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sow Yee is a MFA holder from San Francisco Art Institute and is currently a lecturer in Drama and Visuals Department, New Era College, Malaysia. She is also the Programming Director of Pentas Project Theatre Production (Malaysia) and member of Studio in Cheras KL (Malaysia).Her works explore light and projected images as organic elements in space and time as well as reveals the abstract quality of everyday live. Sow Yee was the recipient of the Krishen Jit Astro Fund in 2007, and have shown her experimental films/video and performative cinema series in Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Italy, USA etc. Her works span from experimental film/video, film/video performances to multimedia design for theatre.

Supported by : HSBC in the arts | Old China Cafe