Monday, March 23, 2009


平台計劃 主辦
Pentas Project presents

ARTOM BOMB project : Pentas Cross-disciplinary Lecture Series IV

"Experiments in Pinhole Photography" – a pinhole photography workshop

Participants must bring a DSLR camera for the workshop

Each participant will select one picture taken during the workshop for the online exhibition of the World Pinhole Day.

Date: 26th April 2009 (Sunday)
Time: 2:00pm~5:00pm
Venue: SicKL (Studio in Cheras KL) map
75, Tingkat 3, Amber Business Plaza, Jalan Jelawat 1, Cheras 56100 Malaysia
( the studio just 3 mins walk from CHERAS lrt station, star line )
Fees : By Donations
number of participant : 20 people
contact: | 012-2661579 | 012-6071318

The Instructor:
西川智也 Tomonari Nishikawa
日本實驗電影創作者,畢業於舊金山藝術學院研究所。2008年獲得日本財團(Nippon Foundation)的API(Asian Public Intellectual Fellowship)獎學金,於2008年至2009年在泰國和馬來西亞進行媒體藝術的研究。同年也獲得當代電影博物館基金會的創作獎金。他的實驗電影和裝置作品曾經在鹿特丹國際影展、紐約國際影展、上海當代藝術館等放映。

Graduate from the San Francisco Art Institute, Tomonari Nishikawa is an experimental filmmaker and artist from Japan. He received the API (Asian Public Intellectual) Fellowship from the Nippon Foundation in 2008, he traveled to Thailand in 2008 and then in Malaysia in 2009 for research. He is also the recipient of Museum of Contemporary Arts Foundation Grant in 2008. His works has been shown and exhibits extensively in International film festivals and venues, such as the Rotterdam Film Festival, New York Film Festival, Museum Of Contemporary Art Shanghai and many others.

supported by :


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

平台计划 招兵买马




1) 后台工作人员 backstage crew
2) 音效执行 sound operator
3) 灯光执行 lighting operator
4) 字幕执行 surtitles projection operator
5) 前台工作人员 Front of House
6) 行政助理 Assistant Administrator
7) 助理舞监 Assistant Stage Manager等

有兴趣者请把履历寄来: 或

「平台计划」创立于2005年,集合了导演+灯光设计 罗国文,舞台设计 张忠勇, 多媒体影像设计 区琇诒. 诗人 陈燕棣. 演员 颜果以及 剧场工作者 黎百龄



Friday, March 13, 2009




Sungai Lembing Village Community Arts Project

張敏華 :「老鎮社區藝術計劃」計劃主持人

日期 Date:2009年3月22日(星期日)
时间 Time:9:00am ~1:00pm
地点 Venue:彭亨州,林明 SG LEMBING, Pahang
收費 Fees:自由樂捐 Donations
聯絡 | 012-6071318

林明鎮行 Sungai Lembing Village History Tour(需約2.5~3小時/ 3 hours

 兩條主要老街+圖書館+俱樂部
 林明博物館
 礦洞+錫加工廠遺跡
 外圍社區+墳場(若還有時間)

Supported by : HSBC in The Arts


本人(張敏華)因採訪工作,接觸到來自馬來西亞彭亨州林明鎮的耆老,一頭栽進這個因採錫而活絡,也因錫礦停采而沈寂的錫鄉。林明(Sungai Lembing),這個曾被英國人視為深鎖在森林裡的「灰姑娘」,路途之艱險皆難以想像的地方,竟一度成為世界最深地下錫礦之一,採礦史及繁華史甚至跨越不同政權時代。




Teoh Ming Wah, through her job as a journalist came in contact with Sungai Lembing’s aging residents. Once a vital source of tin, the town has descended from an energetic and lively community to one that is slow and lethargic. Sungai Lembing was located deep in the jungles of Pahang It’s origin as a secluded mining colony locked away from other towns, with one of the deepest subterranean tin mines in the world, enjoyed rapid development and witnessed the change of government from its relative isolation.

Born and raised in another tin-rich area, Kinta Valley. she witnessed a different history, development and community structure from that of Sungai Lembing. Methods of tin mining are also different, as well as the personal stories told to her by the residents. The town of Papan, was considered the first rich mining town in the Kinta Valley. After independence, its residents initiated the Environmental Protection Movement which is considered as an important social movement in Malaysia’s history.

Both towns have many amazing stories and memories and formed an important part of Malaysia’s history. When tin mining was no longer a profitable enterprise, many young people left these towns, leaving only the very young and senior citizens and subsequently these towns stopped developing. These two towns were important to Malaysia’s development. They left behind many precious relic and memories that are sadly not acknowledge by the present government and forgotten by mainstream history and as a result, the new generation failed to know about this local history.

Currently these communities are viewed to be living in ghost towns but the residents themselves prefer to stay there. Driven by empathy of the residents’ feeling of being marginalized and forgotten and after discussion, we both decided on a project to introduce artists of different disciplines into these two towns and their communities, in the hope that these town will be re-energized through artistic activities as well as a chance for artists to personally experience the residents’ personal and collective history.




清晨河床上霧氣彌漫,筆者從遠處隱約可見河床上似懸空的吊橋。太陽漸使迷霧散去,車子從翠綠的山間駛進剛露出輪廓的林明主街(Main Street),整個林明鎮沉靜的氛圍彷彿要將人托入悠遠的時空之中。

雙溪林明(Sungai Lembing),簡稱林明,位於馬來半島彭亨州的東北部,距離關丹市約42公里。其坐落於山間盆地,濱林明河(是居民的俗稱,其實是關丹河的支流肯腦河Sungai Kenau),以出產錫聞名。



平 台計劃成立3年以來,除了自身團員間的衝擊,交織出魔術游擊隊般的多元藝術交流量,2009年開始,平台也啟動「藝術核爆.平台跨領域交流計劃」,邀請各 領域工作者參與交流、分享自身專業,希望藉由每月一次的跨領域藝術交流系列計劃,汲取跨界養分,達到開放交流、啟發、臨摹的學習成效,也為未來的合作奠 基,讓藝術的光,在各領域工作者之間流動撞擊。


1999年畢業于國立台灣大學社會系社工組。在學時,積極參與主婦聯盟環保基金會的活動,後實習于台北市政府社會科老人保護特組。畢業後服務于台北市的專業者都市改革組織(簡稱為 OURs)一年多,承辦行政院文化建設委員會推動全台灣社區公共空間藝術化主題計劃。在1999年台灣921大地震後,同時承辦災區的社區重建工作為協調員,也協助埔里一帶的社區尋求重建資源。

2002年回馬來西亞定居後,活躍于表演藝術及視覺藝術的展演製作工程及相關活動策劃,與國內舞團及劇團或導演、畫家合作,並主要以文史背景及文字創作與其他藝術工作者相激盪。2004年獲邀參與《馬來西亞百科全書第8冊:表演藝術》的部份撰寫;2007年編寫國內敲擊鼓團的《手集團十週年回顧特刊》。於2007年與合作「死亡被單」藝術計劃的視覺藝術家章永佳,在韓國光州共同以《光明城的人民》裝置作品參與紀念518光州事件的藝術展覽;同一年,兩人被邀往台灣參與「嘉義縣2007北回歸線環境藝術行動計劃」。2008年,則在吉隆坡的Valentine Willie Fine Art和章永佳聯辦裝置展《Safe House》。
